
How To Set Up Online Ordering For Restaurant

No matter what'southward happening in the world, in that location's one matter that remains abiding – people demand to eat. And what's more, people like to eat adept food – preferably that they oasis't had to cook themselves. This is where having an online ordering system tin give your restaurant or cafe the heave it needs during these uncertain times.

Fifty-fifty when COVID-19 isn't keeping everyone safely at home, having a eating place online ordering organization is a assisting decision – 34% of consumers say they spend at least $l per guild when ordering online.

Right now, delivery is the only way for many restaurants to continue serving their hungry customers. If you lot're looking to maintain or even pinnacle up your business' income, we're here to help you lot get started.

There are three main ways you can set upward a restaurant online ordering system:

  1. Use your own website, using a website architect or WordPress to process orders.
  2. Use a third party online ordering app, such as Uber Eats.
  3. Use a third party online ordering app combined with a POS system, such as Block.

We'll walk you through each option to help y'all option the best ordering arrangement for your business.

Once your customers accept boiled their way through 5 bags of pasta, they'll be set for something a petty different – and you'll be set up with your new nutrient ordering system to take their club.

What is information technology? Your very own restaurant website to provide menus and take orders directly from customers.

How does information technology work? Yous build a website, and so manage customer orders every bit they come through your website.

What do you need? A connexion to the internet, a website edifice platform, and a squad to deal with orders as they come up through.

How practise you lot prepare it up? Build your ain restaurant website using a website builder or WordPress, ready deliveries and payments, then launch your site.

How much does information technology cost? You tin build for free, and some website builders have plans as low every bit $six per month! Realistically, though, it'll price between $6 and $40 per month.

Accepting online orders through your own website allows customers to social club straight from yous, significant you go along the procedure totally in-business firm. Y'all're in control, yous get all the profits, and y'all maintain straight contact with your customers.

The flip side of this is that you likewise get all the work, from managing payments to organizing deliveries.

We recommend edifice your website using either a website builder or WordPress. With a website architect, all you lot demand is an cyberspace connectedness and you can start building – website builders are quick, easy, and affordable to build a website with, and y'all don't demand any tech skills.

To get started with WordPress, you need to observe web hosting first – then yous can commencement building. You lot accept full control over your website, from security to design, but this besides means WordPress requires more maintenance than a website builder.

Skilful to know…

We recommend Bluehost for hosting your WordPress website – information technology has all the features y'all demand to make your life easier, such as automatic updates and free SSL security. It's also the number ane web host recommended by WordPress itself, and we tin't debate with that!

Building websites - website builder v wordpress

If you're using a website builder, calculation an online ordering organization to your site is super easy. But get to your architect's app store, and add together a restaurant app – examples include the Wix Restaurant Orders app, Square Online for Restaurants, and Shopify Eating place Ordering Online. This is ideal for restaurants looking to expand and take orders with no monthly fees or commissions.

Website builders also oftentimes come with a variety of delivery options, too. For instance, Shopify offers curbside pickup, so your customers tin can place their social club and and then collect it from your eating place when it's ready.

WordPress also allows online ordering through a serial of plugins, which add actress functionality to your site. There are hundreds to choose from – the WooCommerce plugin is a particularly popular pick which y'all can customize to prepare for online food orders.

Good to know…

Website builders come with features already built-in, but yous can add apps if you need extra functions, such every bit a review section or an online form. WordPress is more than of a blank canvas, so you'll demand to add plugins for well-nigh of your features.

Y'all'll need to be able to accept payments, procedure orders, organize delivery, and go on the website updated with your restaurant's information – for example, which card items are in and out of stock.

Want to sell a few products on your website without paying for an ecommerce platform?

Maybe yous have a range of cooking sauces or a recipe book y'all want to sell? Square Online Checkout links offers that flexibility. These shareable links make it super like shooting fish in a barrel for you to securely accept payments online from your customers.

To go started, all yous have to do is sign upwards to a gratis account with Square Online, give whatever production you're selling a name and a cost, and create a checkout link to place on your website. Simple!

So, how much does setting up an online ordering system price, using your own website? It depends – builders like Square Online and Wix take free plans, and starting prices of $12 to $13 per month respectively. Nevertheless, if yous want to use a platform like Shopify, its plans cost between $29 and $299 per month after the 14-day free trial expires.

WordPress is free, but you need to pay for hosting and whatsoever plugins that don't come up costless – for example, to build with WooCommerce you'll likewise need the WooCommerce Production Table plugin, which costs at to the lowest degree $49 per year.

For a bones site, we ordinarily predict that WordPress will cost between $11 and $40 per month.

Key Takeaways

  • Allows you to connect easily with existing customers
  • Gives you lot 100% of the profits and full control
  • Least convenient selection – you have to handle everything from payments to deliveries
restaurant website and third party app ordering system pho to go example

You don't just take to choose one method – hither, Pho Buffet has a "Pho To Get" department on its website, where customers tin can choose drove or delivery. The commitment is handled by a third party app, but Pho Cafe's website puts the option firmly in the customer'due south hands.

What is it? You use a third party online ordering app, such as GrubHub or Uber Eats.

How does it work? A customer places an order, the app forwards the order to you, so their delivery service takes the nutrient to the customer.

What practice y'all need? Basic information nearly your restaurant for the sign-upwards form, such as your location, cuisine blazon, and estimated number of weekly orders.

How do you ready it up? Go to your chosen app and make full out your restaurant'south details to get started!

How much does it toll? Unremarkably in that location's no upfront cost, just the app takes a cut of each transaction.

If you're not quite feeling up to managing orders and deliveries all yourself, and so a tertiary party online ordering app is a skilful way to go. It's an extremely popular option, because it gets your eating place in front of new customers likewise as regulars.

Tertiary party online ordering apps include companies such as Uber Eats and GrubHub, the latter of which is used by xix million people and features over 350,000 restaurants!

To get started, you simply choose the app y'all want to utilize and caput to their website. Side by side, fill up out a signup form with bones details about your eating place – this will then be passed on to the app squad for them to review and approve.

third app online food ordering grubhub restaurant form
GrubHub makes it pretty easy to get started – but fill up out the form on the website!

Here'southward how it works once you lot're partnered with a 3rd-political party delivery app:

  • Once set up, customer orders will go through the app.
  • The gild will exist forwarded to you – someone will demand to take the order on the app'due south tablet – so you can prepare the right dishes.
  • You'll besides need to manually enter the society into your own POS.
  • Then, i of the app's delivery drivers will get in to take the food to the customer.
restaurant ordering system uber eats app how it works
Using a 3rd-political party app like Uber Eats makes the process of handling online nutrient orders a lot more than convenient!

You can use more than ane third party app, but be careful to manage all your orders properly and proceed each one separate!

The main drawback to using a third political party app is that they have a cut of your earnings. Some apps, like Uber Eats, also charge a erstwhile starter or "activation" fee before as well taking a service fee as a percentage of your orders.

This is something that your customers are aware of, likewise. Did y'all know that seventy% of consumers actually prefer ordering direct from restaurants instead of ordering through apps, so that their money goes straight to the business?

Still, the convenience of using a third party app tin can't be denied – if you're looking for a quick and easy manner to start your eating place online ordering system, this is a winner!

Fundamental Takeaways

  • Gets your food in forepart of tons of customers
  • Deliveries are handled for yous – more convenient than treatment everything yourself
  • You don't get to continue all your profits – tertiary political party apps volition accept a cut
third party app food ordering shake shack uber eats example
This is what your customers volition run across when placing an gild through Uber Eats. This order then gets forwarded to you to have or pass up.

What is it? You use a third party online ordering app, along with an integrated POS system such as CAKE or Checkmate.

How does it work? A client places an social club; the app and then forwards the order to you, which is entered automatically into your POS without a fellow member of staff having to manually transfer the order.

What exercise y'all need? An account with a tertiary political party app, and one with a POS integration app.

How do you set it up? Simply go to your chosen integration app, such as Checkmate, and enter your details to get in touch and go started.

How much does it toll? It depends – Checkmate costs $85 per month, while Block costs around $69 per month.

If you lot're planning on using multiple 3rd political party apps, or are trying to manage a boatload of orders, then combining third party online ordering apps with POS integration will give you total convenience.

This is where you use an integration app – such as CAKE or Checkmate – to act as the middle-human between your third-party app (like Uber Eats) and your POS.

The tertiary-party ordering app works the same way – the customer places their lodge, and the app forrard that order to you. Except now your staff don't have to become to the correct tablet, accept the lodge, and and so manually enter the gild into your POS.

Instead, the integration app lets the app and your POS talk to each other, pregnant the gild gets automatically entered into your POS. Minimal hassle, faster, and with less room for mistake, this is the perfect choice for extremely busy restaurants.

set up food online ordering checkmate pos integration
Checkmate shows how its app works as a middle-man, allowing third party apps and POS systems to talk to each other – which in turn makes your life much easier!

As yous might have guessed, the toll y'all pay for this ultimate convenience is, well, the price. You lot're paying both the tertiary-party delivery service and the integration app, making this the near expensive online ordering system.

As an instance, Checkmate charges $85 per calendar month – we recommend checking out its free trial earlier committing!

If y'all've got room in your budget, this method will take a lot of the work out of your hands. It'due south the best selection for restaurants dealing with a large amount of orders, or juggling multiple commitment apps.

Key Takeaways

  • Near convenient choice, as nigh everything is automated for you
  • Most expensive option – you're paying two separate apps
  • Only worth it if you're dealing with a loftier volume of orders, or juggling multiple delivery apps
online restaurant ordering five guys pos integration example
Five Guys is one of Checkmate'southward clients. This is a large brand that undoubtedly processes many online orders, so it makes sense for them to automate every bit much equally possible.

The idea of setting up an online food ordering system can seem daunting if you've never tried it before. Here are our top tips for preparing your restaurant concern for online deliveries.

ane. Think Local

Your regular customers might be pining abroad for your delicious dishes – so permit them know you lot're delivering! You can practise this by posting on social media, or by putting a sign up in your window for people to spot on their daily walk.

Also do some research on the top delivery apps in your expanse. Some are more popular than others in different locales, and then it's worth jumping on the most used apps to concenter more than customers.

two. Prepare Your Staff

Commonly, restaurants accept to balance online orders with in-house customers – simply with many establishments currently closed to the public, you lot're unlikely to have to deal with that right at present.

Still, it'southward a skilful idea to requite staff clear roles and responsibilities to help keep the orders flowing and maximize efficiency. Confusion around the process and chore roles will lead to mistakes and delays, then brand certain everyone is happy with the new arrangement.

Practice a few trial runs if you can, to get your staff used to handling online orders and brand the process as smoothen as possible.

3. Optimize Your Carte

Let's be honest, there are some foods that merely don't travel well. Meanwhile, others seem like they were fabricated to exist eaten in front of the TV in your pyjamas (we're looking at you, pizza).

Recall about the food you serve, and what you can realistically manage to send out. Yous might want to offer a condensed version of your usual menu to make it easier for your squad – maybe slim it down to the classic client favorites, or dishes you recall volition be easy to eat at home.

You can e'er test out your bill of fare and tweak it as you go – it'due south a learning bend for everyone!

We know that right now is an uncertain time for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Restaurants may have had to close their doors, only yous can bet that if you lot set up an online food ordering organisation, customers will (advisedly) open up their doors to your deliveries.

Whether you desire to keep equally much profit equally possible, or value convenience over total command, there'due south a method hither for you. We've walked you through the three main ways you lot can set up your ain food ordering system, to help you choose the best ane for you.

How to Start Your Ain Online Food Ordering System: Recap

  1. Use your own website, using a website builder or WordPress to procedure orders.
  2. Use a third party online ordering app, such as Uber Eats.
  3. Apply a third party online ordering app combined with a POS organization, such as Block.

Remember, yous don't have to choose merely i method. For case, you tin build your own website and have orders from third party delivery services – find the right residue for your business organisation, and continue your happy customers coming back for more.

Next Up…

Check out our handy guide on How to Sell Food Online to learn about the ins and outs of selling nutrient items over the internet.


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