Spotify might be the nearly pop music streaming service in the earth, only the company has a reputation for both removing features and making of import settings hard to find. Yous tin can do something about the removed features; we've previously explained how you tin can bring dorsum some of the ones you miss.

Information technology'southward not as easy to circumnavigate a poor user interface combined with an almost non-existent level of support. You demand a bit of help. One such challenge is changing your Spotify country. Simply don't worry, nosotros're going to explain everything yous need to know. Go along reading to find out more.

What Blazon of Spotify Account Do You have?

The manner to change your country on Spotify varies depending on whether you have a free or a premium business relationship.

Gratis Account

If you accept a free Spotify account, yous tin can listen to music when you're in a dissimilar country for upwards to 14 days. Thereafter, you will demand to return to your home country or make a new business relationship in your new locale.

To listen for the 14 days, yous demand to change the appropriate setting.

To brand the modify, log into your Spotify business relationship on a spider web browser and go to Edit Profile > Country. You tin select your country from a dropdown listing. The country will only exist visible if y'all're physically there.

Premium Account

If you have a premium business relationship, you do not need to change your country while traveling. You are not subject to the aforementioned xiv-day restriction as a free account.

If y'all're moving permanently, nevertheless, y'all volition demand to update your details.

To update your details, log into your Spotify account page and go to Subscription > Update. You lot volition demand to enter your new payment details. The payment details must be linked to a fiscal institution in your new country.

If you have a free account, you should consider upgrading to Spotify Premium. Sure it costs money, merely for many users, that'southward coin well spent.

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